Thursday, May 26, 2011

Jesus, The Best Lie

Below is research into whether or not Jesus of Nazareth was the Christ/Messiah.

A bible text clearly shows that:
Jesus (Iesus) (Pronounced Yeezus) of Nazareth is not the Christ (Christus).
Below is the proof...

Latin Vulgate -1 John 2:22-

quis est mendax nisi is qui negat quoniam Iesus non est Christus hic est antichristus qui negat Patrem et Filium

Greek to English with Strong's Concordance reference numbers for Greek meanings. -1 John 2:22-

Who 5101 is 2076 a liar 5583 but 1508 he that denieth 720 that 3754 Jesus 2424 is 2076 (not 3756)* the Christ 5547?
He 3778 is 2076 antichrist 500, that denieth 720 the Father 3962 and 2532 the Son 5207

Greek to English without Strong's reference numbers. -1 John 2:22-

Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is not* the Christ?
He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.
(The word “Son” as above in Latin is- “Filium”- simply meaning- son or a son (it occurs 466 times in the Latin Vulgate).
Also, “Son” in Greek is “huios”- simply meaning- son or a son.) (It can also mean- a sun (a star) or earth's sun/star.)
Such as: The sun has died (meaning winter) on the cross (meaning the 4 seasons) and rose from the dead (meaning spring). This is a way the ancients referred to the changes in earth's four seasons.

(The word “not” (“not” as in Strong's reference number 3756*) in Greek is- ou)
Ou is a Root Word (Etymology) a primary word, meaning- the absolute negative...

*Purposely left out of KJV and other English translations but
this is the original Greek.

Some Study References:

See 1 John 2:22 as it is in the Latin Vulgate-

The word “not” or “ou” as in Strong's Concordance- (Use their home page for total bible study.)

The Latin word “Filium” or “Son/son” as it is in the Latin Vulgate-

The word “Son/son” in Greek-

The total Latin Vulgate-

☞ This article and research © Scary Stuff


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