Sunday, September 11, 2011

9-11 Bull Continues

How restful it must be to simply and without question accept the official stories about 9-11. However, for those of us who allow questions to continue and who seek the truth, there is no rest, not even ten years after.
Case One:
You do not have to be an engineer to realize that it would be impossible for the twin towers to fall down without many tons of explosives to cause that. Osama's followers did not have access to the buildings or the training to install the high tech explosive system needed.
Case Two:
There was only a small hole that a compact car could barely drive through in the side of the Pentagon. In spite of this, we are told that a huge passenger jet with wings full of fuel went through that tiny hole.
Case Three:
The official crash site of Flight 93 featured just a small hole and no crash debris. However, people of a nearby town reported seeing lots of things falling from the sky, including luggage, personal items and airplane seats. They also reported a plane exploding over the town. A small unmarked white jet was also seen flying near the explosion.